Find out more about our history and how ALGASTECH was founded.
Who are we
The Algastech was founded in 2020 with the vision of being a reference company in the cultivation of algae in Brazil, offering products to meet the demands of the agribusiness, pharmaceutical and food industries while promoting social, environmental, and economic sustainability.
We have a dedicated team with experience in biology, mariculture, biotechnology, and business. Our alga pilot facility in Paraty serves as a basis for research and for the development of innovative solutions for the cultivation of marine algae in Brazil.
Our goal is to be a developer of innovative businesses involving marine seaweed. Using knowledge and experience, we want to consolidate seaweed cultivation in Brazil and identify business opportunities. We are seeking partnerships to leverage our business, including partnerships for seedling supply, joint development of cultivation technology, market development, environmental services, financing, and investment in the company.

Juliano Kump Mathion

A graduate in Animal Science from UNESP in Jaboticabal. A specialist in mariculture who participated in several farming ventures, such as Projeto Pomar promoting the production of scallops (Nodipecten nodosus) by the fishing community of Ilha Grande Bay. He was manager of MD Algan farming (the largest K. alvarezii cultivation ever implemented in the region of Ilha Grande), with a monthly production of 40 tons. He participated in the development of a multitrophic farming project (scallops, mussels, fish, and algae) at the Marinha Nautilus farm, the largest producer of “bijupirá” in the state of Rio de Janeiro. He was the technician in charge of Pecten Aquiculture in the project “Cultivating marine algae in the Bay of All Saints (Todos os Santos)”, coordinated by Bahia Pesca. He also participated as a mariculture coordinator of APA (= Environmental Protection Area) Marinha Litoral Norte and in the process of persuasion of including K. alvarezii cultivation within the limits of APA. He was general manager of Selt Marine Mozambique, a company involved in the implementation of K. alvarezii and Eucheuma spinosun crops in the cities of Nacala Porto and Baixo Pinda, province of Nampula, Mozambique. He actively participates in initiatives aimed at developing mariculture and particularly algiculture.
Mozart Marins

Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Leeds, England, graduated in Biological Sciences from the Institute of Biosciences and a PhD in Life Sciences from the Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo, with part of the experimental work carried out at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. He has extensive national and international experience in scientific research, including the conception, planning, development, and acquisition of funding (MEC, FAPESP, CNPq, and CAPES), and in the strategical, technical and operational execution of projects/research and fellowships. He is a recognized productivity fellow of CNPq and has trained numerous students who assumed positions in universities and companies. He worked in the strategical and operational development of biotechnology companies and service platforms as well as in the sales of molecular diagnostic tests.